
Archive for August 6th, 2009

So it seems I’ve scared some of you into thinking you’re all bastards or something. That wasn’t really the intent of my post a few days ago. I’m just feeling overwhelmed and NOT wanting to take anything more onto my already very full plate. I don’t need anything per say. I just won’t be very giving the next month or so, I guess 🙂

Thank you so much for all of the meal offers, baby sitting etc. I’m taking a few of you up on it (especially now that they’re tinkering with my ER date and my tentative plans are getting screwed up). I’m not very good about asking for help. Only slightly better at accepting it when offered.

Nothing really to update today, other than a really weird sensation when Ben was giving me a shot last night. I SWEAR my ovaries have turned into little junkies or something. There was a little jump or twitch or something as he injected the follistim. It didn’t feel good or bad. Just weird. I told Ben that must be what a heroin user feels like, but, you know, better (I assume).

So holding steady at sore, crampy and fragile. I go back for another ultrasound (follicle check) and blood work (hormone levels) check tomorrow. Hoping they’re still doing their thing in there and growing steadily.

I realized today that Owen’s just about outgrowing his carseat because he’s too tall. The straps are supposed to be at or above his shoulders since he’s now forward facing, and they’re almost below it with no more slots to move up. That means we’re going to have to buy carseat #6 for child #1 (long story.)

Then it occurred to me that the infant seat I had for Owen is probably expired, so I’ll probably need to buy a new set of carseats…Then I thought about the possibility of twins and realized we could end up with 10 carseats for 3 kids (trust my math there.) Good God.

If you’re debating between a Britax Roundabout and Marathon, just get the Marathon. The Roundabout is TOO SMALL!

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