
Archive for August 5th, 2009

I had my first ultrasound and blood work this morning since I started “stimming the shit” out of my ovaries on Sunday. The goal is to get as many follicles to develop as possible without going TOO overboard (30+) and to get them to develop at around the same rate.

Righty has 7 follicles with the leading one a bit smaller than 10mm and the others close behind.

Lefty has 12 follicles with the largest just at 10mm and the others close behind. (Lefty is always the over-achiever, but is also the one that used to be stuck FAR away from my tube, not that it matters for IVF since you bypass the tubes altogether.)

There MAY be a few smaller ones that could still catch up, but even if they don’t, 19 is a very good number right now! We’ll have to see how many eggs we actually get at ER. Anybody want to place bets?

My E2 (estrogen level) was 362. I don’t know EXACTLY what about that means, other than there’s some relation to the number of follies and E2 and you want them to be in a certain range. They said this is fine.

SO, they’re now predicting the ER for 8/11 or 8/12, whereas before they had predicted 8/13.

That means the transfer will be either 3 or 5 days after that (presumably and hopefully 5), with 3-7 days of bedrest after the transfer.

BUH-bye prep week before school! Fortunately, I’ve been going in since the last week of July trying to get everything done and am in pretty good shape (except that I need to somehow get a student list before school starts so I can make seating charts! Not sure how that’s going to happen yet since there’s a lot of tinkering that last week.)

Kind of hard to arrange daycare, acupuncture, work, and God knows what else when you’re timing things based on your ovaries, huh? Unfortunately, my Mom’s going to be out of town the whole week from the 10th-16, and she is usually my Godsend. I’m hoping daycare will at least be flexible about the days that Owen comes.

Oh, and today I got the news that “no exercise but swimming and walking” means no picking up Owen. He’s a bit of a cuddlebug, so I’m not sure how well THAT’s going to work out!

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