
Archive for August 3rd, 2009

Hmmmm…. not sure!

This is Ben’s big chance to take out any aggression he has towards me, I guess. Stab away, my dear!

We had to do 2 shots tonight. I get 225 iu of Follistim, but the cartridge we did last night had 300 iu in it (but they fill it with extra 75 iu, supposedly.)

Somehow we’ve screwed up the math and I’m not sure if I got the right dosage.

Plus we had to stab me two times to get what MIGHT be enough in me, but might not. I’m not sure what to do about that. Call the nurse in the am, I guess?

I did stab myself, and that went ok. I flicked myself a little more taking it out than Ben does, so I’ll have to be careful about taking it straight out.

I’m eating some chocolate icing as a reward. That seems fair.

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More power to you! Even my husband can barely stand listening to me talk about any of this anymore. I think he’s relieved he can read this so he can keep up with my crazies.

ONE of those people nominated me for an award. The other 999 of you are free to follow suit. In fact, the more comments you all leave, the more I want to write. Whether that means you want to write more comments or fewer, that’s up to you. Just know I appreciate them and feel more like I’m communicating instead of just writing long, rambling, ego-centric entries (which, let’s face it, is a little bit what blogging is about.)

One of these days, I’ll figure out how to have a blog roll in the right column. I noticed that some of my hits come from other people’s blogs, so it’s only fair to return the favor. 🙂

So, the award. 2 weeks in. I’m just awesome. (Kidding!) Jen, a fellow IFer awarded me the “One Lovely Blog Award”

The rules of the “One Lovely Blog Award” are: Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award.

Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Here are my nominees:

1. Jen! I didn’t discover your blog until you nominated me, but I’m going to try to follow now.
2. This is the blog of a friend’s cousin who is home-schooling her 4 kids. I couldn’t imagine home schooling, but I love her crunchiness.
3. my friend Lillian’s blog. She is just one of the sweetest most honest people ever, and I love reading about her daily doings with her kids.
4. Not exactly a blog, but Lillian also has a cloth diaper store that’s AWESOME. I was kind of her CD mentor, so I pimp out her store whenever I can.
5. I read Lanie’s blog, though now that she has twins, she has a little less time for updating! Her twins are courtesy of the same RE we’re using 🙂
6. If you haven’t discovered the Pioneer Woman’s blog, you should! DELICIOUS RECIPES!
7. Another well known blogger is Amalah, whose blog I started reading when we realized Owen has a speech delay. She was the first person I ever read about who GOT IT. She’s also frickin hysterical, and has become a CDer!
8. Everybody’s probably heard of Dooce, but I like reading it.
9. A nestie I know started this blog on race in America that’s kind of interesting, though she was taking a break for a while.
10. Another nestie has a fun gardening blog.
11. I love reading Ivory’s blog for all of the cute Emma pictures. After a hellish pregnancy, Emma was born at 29 weeks, but she’s doing great and is adorable! Ivory’s husband is a great photographer too, so I love looking at his pictures for inspiration.
12. Erica and I studied abroad in England, where we shared the best apartment/flat I’ve ever lived in. Overlooked the Pultney Bridge. We were all put together because we were vegetarians, and it worked out well. Her recently resurected blog on eco-friendly cooking/eating/etc is pretty cool.
13. Larissa had been TTC for a LONG time, and I’ve been stalking her for ages. Her blog has been great, as she sees the same RE as I do, and it’s helped explain a lot about the process, from the personal side. She’s become quite the natural birth advocate, which I’m always excited to see (I’m about as crunchy as they come in that area.)

…and I can’t think of any more blogs. I’m not very organized about reading blogs. I just click around a lot!

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