
Archive for December 30th, 2010

Memo #1: I’ve had my blood drawn enough in the last 3 years to get a vampire excited. Don’t make me do it more.

Translation: Drink the glucose crap, go in for one-hour glucose test. Lab screws up/forgets to run/ cruelly sets aside my blood. They run all the other blood work from that day, just not the glucose levels. ARGH!

So the midwives told me I could come in today and eat a very specific breakfast instead of drinking more crap. Fine by me. I’ve done 3 glucose tests already this year (1st 2 were IF related), so I’m over the syrup. Instead I hate one egg, one piece of toast, drink 4oz of OJ and 8oz of milk. Then I went in and got my finger pricked and FAILED THE TEST. ARGH!

I wish I hadn’t spent the last week stuffing my face with Christmas candy thinking no word from the doc meant I had PASSED the test.

So next Wednesday I’ll be going in to hang out there for 3+ hours instead of laying at home in bed and getting off my feet.

A bunch of Moms of Multiples (MoMs) have told me most twin moms seem to fail the 1 hour and pass the 3 hour (2 placentas screwing with your body and all that jazz.) Fingers crossed that is the case.

Memo #2: Babies come out best head first.

Translation: All 3 of my babies seem to defy gravity.

The Midwife appointment was followed by a visit to the MFM through the rat maze known as a hospital.

Both babies still breech 😦 Not holding out much hope at this point that they’ll turn vertex. I’m doing EVERYthing anybody has ever mentioned. I don’t feel big movements from them anymore. Just jabs and punches, and it’s tight space. The ultrasound was just glimpses of bits and pieces.

So every night my husband gets out the snuggie (stretchiest piece of big material I could find) and “jiggles” my belly, using the snuggie as a rebozo as demonstrated on spinningbabies.com. I also see a Chiropractor for the Webster technique, do lots of inversions, etc. They won’t do moxibustion this early, but I’ll ask the Chiro about it at my next appointment.

Memo #3: A nice long cervix is great…to a point.

Translation: Cervix of steel still freakishly long. Really should be softening SOME by now.

My cervix of steel, fortunately, is still super long despite the trip to Labor and Delivery two weeks ago. It’s about 6cm, which freakishly long for this far along. They actually thought that was strange. They said it really SHOULD shorten some by 28 weeks, even with one baby. Then they asked if my labor with O was long. Why yes. Yes it was. Thanks, Cervix of Steel.

Later I was saying that if contractions 3 minutes apart didn’t mean I should go in, the babies were going to have to fall out for me to know if I was in labor. She said “oh, with a cervix like that, you’ll probably have a really long labor and plenty of time to get here.”

Ummmm, strangely, that doesn’t make me feel better, LOL!

So thrilled that my cervix is still long. Wish it would get memo #3 about softening up SOME between now and March. Not sure it matters if the babies don’t get their giant melon heads out of my ribs.

I’m glad all the contractions are not affecting my cervix, but contractions 3 minutes apart after a week of work still worries me. I’m going to take it day by day from here on out and see how much longer I can make it. A cervix, after all, does a lot of work in 24 hours of labor, and I don’t want excessive contractions sending me into labor.

Babies, by the way, are looking great. At 29w2d:
Baby A measures 30w3d 3lbs, 7oz.

Baby B measures 29w6d, 2lbs, 15oz.

That is reflected in my belly here:

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